Dr David Ankers
Clinical Psychologist / Director
BSc(Hons) ClinPsyD C.Psychol AFBPsS
07725 839462

Dr David Ankers is chartered and registered clinical psychologist specialising in the area of children, adolescents and families. He is currently working in private practice providing clinical assessment and therapy to children, young people, families and adults with a range of mental health difficulties including depression, anxiety, behavior concerns, attachment difficulties and developmental trauma. He also provides support and consultations to residential care homes and schools.
He has worked with children, adolescents and adults with mental health presentations and developmental disorders. He has worked in various settings including CAMHS, specialist autism services, children’s disability services and services for children and young people in care. He specialises working with complex cases as well assessment of Autism and Learning Disability.
He has held clinical and leadership roles in both the NHS and private healthcare. He has worked as a qualified psychologist for nearly 20 years within a range of settings including Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, children’s disability services, services for looked-after children, a specialist Autism assessment and support service and mental health in schools services.
He has also worked as a UK-based trainer for an internationally recognised organisation, delivering training on evidenced-based parenting interventions for professionals across the UK.
Areas of Expertise
Assessment of mental health
Assessment of Autism
Assessment of Intellectual Disabilities
Assessment of Parenting
Mental health intervention
Cognitive and psychological assessment of adults and children
Impact of parental mental health difficulties on children
Attachment to parents and siblings and impact of separation
Assessment of child, adolescent and adult mental health
Fostering and Adoption
Additional Training
Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Dyadic Developmental
Level 2
Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Dyadic Developmental
Level 1
PTSD Masterclass
Complex Trauma Dissociation
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule Versions 2 (ADOS 2)
Autism Diagnostic Interview Rev. (ADI-R)
Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders
EMDR Level 1
STAR Supervisor Training
Triple P Trainer The University of Queensland